Thursday, August 21, 2008

What a difference a month makes.

It's been one month since I last posted...and, man oh man, have those two plants grown! I can't even see the flowers I planted or the silver globes below the tomatoes anymore. Lots of little yellow flowers, lots of baby tomatoes, lots of not-so-baby tomatoes, but I'm still waiting for the first tomato to ripen – but it seems from this link (albeit from a completely different growing zone than us) that I should just appreciate everything a tomato plant does and just be more patient. [twiddling my thumbs]


rose said...

I too, have been twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the hundreds of these little pear shaped tomatoes to ripen. Good news... I have three that are starting to show a blush of yellow! You know though, they will all ripen at the same time and you will be up to your eyeballs in yellow pear shaped tomatoes!

Your plants look good! :—)

kristen said...

Si. I have lots of tomatoes, of various sizes, and they are all very green still. The only exception was my very first tomato, that got nice and big, until one day I found it had been chomped off in one big bite by some critter. Fortunately, it doesn't look like the animal has been back, but cross your fingers, cuz there's a feast of tomatoes now.