Saturday, August 23, 2008

save the date • September 20th

Hi fellow One Hundred Positives! I have set a date for our end of summer celebration — I hope this date works for everyone. The date is Saturday, September 20, 2008. The One Hundred Positives celebration will be held in along with the closing reception for my work “I will see you in the Garden” in the garden space of moxieDaDa Galley from 1pm until 4 or 5pm-ish. (1416 Arch Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212)
It will be a picnic-style potluck party celebration. I would like all the One Hundred Positives people to included tomatoes in their pot luck contribution — BUT — this is not a requirement! If you’d rather bring cheese and crackers or a large plate of double dark dark chocolate chip cookies — by all means do so. :—))

It will be helpful to me to know what dishes people are planning to bring to this celebration, so that I can fill in with whatever will be needed to make a nice balance of food items — so let me know either by leaving a comment here, emailing, calling, carrier pigeon or in person.

Things I might need — if you can help me out with any of these things I would greatly appreciate it:
1) Portable charcoal grills
2) Tables for food

( I will be sending out an email invitation soon.)

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